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What is it about?
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It is about freedom of expression.  We are building an open source software that will give means to broadcast over the internet anonymously and securely.

What can be broadcasted?  An audio stream (radio station), a video stream (television station), a news feed, a file, it could be almost anything, yet ISP is build around audio streaming.

What do you mean by anonymous and secure?  It is anonymous because almost no one knows if you are listening or not.  It is secure because every connections are encrypted.

They way ISP works is through proxies.  A proxy is a program that redirects to another place what is fed to it.  So, to hear a radio station that is broadcast using ISP, the listener needs to install a little piece of software in his machine that will connect to other listeners or relays, thus making an invisible network inside the internet.  This will enable the listeners to receive the broadcast but also to share it with other proxies.  Every connections between proxies are encrypted.  Only the proxies that the client is connected to could know the addresses of who are connected by using sophisticated softwares.  And even if those vilains knows the addresses of the proxies that are connected to them, it doesn't prove that those proxies aren't just relays and that the owner has ever listen to what's in that stream.

Cool, now I know it is secure and anonymous, but what else?  Right now, the technology is ready for anyone to broadcast anonymously and securely.  But ISP has something more: distributed networking.  The problem with streaming is it's high needs in bandwidth.  Also, the encryption adds to the bandwidth amount.  So, to solve that problem, everyone that is connected on the ISP network of the broadcaster will be able to contribute their upload bandwidth.  When a listener will receive a small part of the stream it will send that part to other listeners so that all the bandwidth needed to feed everyone doesn't have to come from a single source.  You can compare this methode to Bittorrent or other distributive networking programs.

I'm very much interested now.  How can I get it?  No need to click on Instructions yet, ISP is still at the development stage.  We currently need C programmers to help us.  We also need to be known.  You can send us a word of support, you can link us to your website, you can tell your friends.

We hope to hear from everyone.